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  • Writer's pictureAmalia Solaris

A Welcome and Brief Introduction

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

Art by @Sleepybunsu on Twitter

One would think at age 149, I would know how to introduce myself better but the reality is that I often come into people's lives in the fumbling mess that I am. And rest assured, I am a mess.

My name is Amalia. I've been informed that its derived from the Germanic word "work" or "activity". I'm not sure that has much to do with me as a person but I guess I am starting VTuber activities soon. In fact, by the time you read this, I will have already started them. Unless you found this site somehow before I advertised it which, in that case, congrats! You made me into a liar. Your reward is nothing. Please enjoy it.

Anyways, my name is Amalia, which I already said but I'll say it anyways as it's the best segue into an introduction. Amalia vita Solaris. The "vita" is pronounced "wee-ta", by the way. It's Latin for "life" and, yes, there is significance to it but no, we won't talk about that today or probably even tomorrow. I'm a Western Divine Dragon, specifically hailing from the forest known as Avalonnia. Avalonnia is not on Earth, as you might imagine so you won't really find it on Google Earth. I travel to and from Avalonnia via portal. There are portals to lots of various worlds but traveling to Earth is my favorite, honestly. Humans are neat-- I hate it when you guys say otherwise. You have a lot of cool stuff going on (and, admittingly, some very not-so-cool stuff sometimes) and I like your boba tea. That's some good shit.

For generations, my clan has lived in the manor I presently live in. It's a dusty old thing and don't ask me what all lives in the attic because frankly, I'm too scared to go look. I hold down the fort along with my family's loyal butler, Cap. Well, okay, I call him a butler but his title is actually "vassal"... which is basically just a fancy way to say "butler". I have two cats and a dog and I like writing. That's why we're here today, by the way. I like writing and I hope that maybe you like to read it. It's not quite as cynical as this writing sounds, I promise. Not always, at the very least.

I call myself a VAuthor and/or VWriter (I tend to use them interchangeably, not gonna lie) and not many people know what that means. Similar to a VArtist or a VSinger, a VWriter is someone who writes under a VTuber brand. A VAuthor is someone specifically who writes stories and has been published before....? I'm not sure 100% on that, the entire concept is still relatively new but I vibe with it hard. And that leads me to the real meat and potatoes of this post-- the site itself.

From a Dragon's Diary is a website where I will be shoving all of my original works that I feel so compelled to share under the Amalia Solaris name. Mostly, it will be VTuber-related works but it will not be limited to only VTuber-related works. I was hesitant to do this at first because I know writing is not exactly good "stream" material... then I realized that not everything I do has to be on a stream. "What if I simply just made content?" I said to myself a few months ago and then I laughed because it seemed so silly that I had been hesitant in the first place. So yes! Content will be made and I hope it is enjoyed!

I've been writing since I was the human equivalent of nine years old. My biggest inspiration was Tolkien's Lord of the Rings because how could a kid look at that and not get inspired? I picked up a pencil and some spiral notebook paper and I wrote a story that was basically isekai'd werewolves into Middle Earth also with dinosaurs. You might be like "Wow, Amalia, that's kinda cringe!" And you might be right but even if it was cringe, present!Amalia still thinks it's kinda great actually. Anyways, I haven't shut up since that fateful day and we're either all blessed or cursed because of it (probably a matter of opinion, I guess).

It's my hope to someday write a book that is published. Maybe even one that makes someone somewhere smile. I think that would be pretty great if I could do that and I'm working my hardest to see that dream realized. Very anime protagonist, I know! I do have an original novel in the works that I will be submitting to literary agents soon so please cross your fingers for me! Not to brag but I think it's pretty great and I have high hopes.

This post is getting quite a bit longer than I had intended so I am going to wrap things up here. If you made it this far, I'm eternally grateful to you for reading my ramblings. Please enjoy From a Dragon's Diary.

Thank you,

Amalia vita Solaris

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